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Hornby R1284M Tri-ang Railways Remembered; RS48 The Victorian Train Set

Original price was: $435.00.Current price is: $285.00.

SKU 5063129002060 Category Tags ,

4 in stock


Hornby R1284M Tri-ang Railways Remembered; RS48 The Victorian Train Set

What’s Inside

1x Locomotive Steam 2x Rolling Stock 1x Track & Accessories

The new analogue train set includes the GWR Achilles Class, ‘Lord of the Isles’, GWR 2nd Class Clerestory coach and GWR Brake 3rd Clerestory coach. 1st Radius Starter Oval track, with power Clip and Uncoupling Ramp. DCC ready 8 pin socket. This set does not include a wall transformer or controller.

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